Tuesday, November 24, 2009


It has been three weeks since my last confession. Contrary to what some people think, I do have other things to do besides this blog. I have an actual job, where I spend the majority of my time. Then there is this kid situation. Who knew that babies couldn't take care of themselves? Because it has been so long, I'm sure I have forgotten everything that has happened. I don't even remember where I left with the last blog. I guess I could go back and read, but I prefer to just wing it. These aren't the most recent pictures, but I thought they were good ones. I don't think I have mentioned daycare before. Daycare is going great. This is his fourth week, and I think he is starting to like them better than he likes us. We just leave him on our way to work, and they take care of him all day. I think it's a pretty good arrangement. I will probably have to sell some of my organs on the black market to pay for this, but nothing is too good for my child. Every day they tell us how great he is, and every day we just agree with them. On to more current news, I have been deathly ill for the last two days. Maybe that is a slight exaggeration, but there were a couple of times that I wished I was dead. Between myself and the internet, I have decided that it was the dreaded swine flu. I do feel better today, but I am still taking it easy. On top of all that, Tiffany thinks she has a sinus infection. In spite of all that, Ethan appears to be totally healthy. It must be all those immunity building germs from daycare. Thanksgiving is almost here, and we are looking forward to Tiffany's family being here. If anyone out there doesn't have a place to go, come eat turkey with us. I'll even let you watch the baby.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Of Mice and Men

Here is a little Halloween tale for you. Like the good parents we are, we had every intention of taking Ethan trick or treating. By the time Tiffany got home from work Ethan had eaten, we loaded up the car and decided we needed to eat as well. We made a quick stop at Betty Rose's for some barbecue before heading to our first stop. With Ethan dressed in his little skeleton outfit, we drove to my Aunt Vicki's house. We got out and went to the door. We went inside to visit for about 15 minutes before we headed for our next stop. We loaded back into the car, turned the key, and nothing. Not a creature was stirring. Uncle Carl went to get the battery charger to try and give us some juice. After a few minutes and the battery still showing no signs of life, we made a new plan. By the way, this was all going on sometime after dark. I borrowed Vicki's car, drove to Wal-Mart, and bought a new battery. Carl and I spent the next half hour or so changing the thing out. New cars are not like old cars. The clever people at General Motors have devised a plan that makes it almost impossible to do things yourself so they can charge some ridiculous fee. There's this crazy protective case around the battery with a giant metal bar holding the whole thing down. There are five bolts of varying sizes uniquely positioned around the battery with enough space around them that Ethan could probably almost get his hands into when he was first born. Did I mention that is was dark outside? We did get it done though. At that point, Ethan was hungry, Tiffany was tired, and I was filthy. The good news is that we have another costume. Tiffany is determined to use it, so we may just show up at your house looking for candy on another day.