Friday, May 30, 2008

Ode to Jeremy Bentham

So a week has gone by and I still haven't seen Indy 4. It's really hard not to read or hear something about it, but I am doing my best. We talked about going last night, but the movie was second choice to the season finale of Lost. Why does anybody watch this show? It reminds me a lot of the early seasons of The X-Files. There are always more questions than answers. It's a lot like a drug. You know it isn't good for you, but you just can't help it. All I'm saying is that the payoff better be huge.

We have gotten a few more things done around here this week. Our bedroom furniture is now here. The matress and box spring are being delivered on Tuesday. Before you know it, this place will be like a normal house. The cat is slowly adjusting. I'm not sure she quite knows what's going on. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I guess there isn't much else to say today. TGIF.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

And now for something completely different...

I know you missed me, but I think I will be able to post a little more frequently now. We are now officially living in our new house. Sunday night was the first night that we stayed here. We actually slept in the guest room, which is kind of weird. Our new bedroom furniture is going to be delivered today, so we are really excited about that. This morning we finally got the TV hung on the wall. It looks awesome! It has been a busy couple of weeks, but we are slowly getting things in order. Mom and Dad brought us the dining room table. It looks nice and fits perfectly in the dining room. In all fairness, I had the room designed to hold that table. Tiffany picked out a couple of barstools that she liked. Before you know it, this place will look like a home. Last week we had the security system put in. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but it makes me feel safe. Also, it makes my stuff feel safe. One thing you should know is that a security system won't stop some jerk from running into your mailbox. Nobody has admitted to it, but I know it was one of the guys building the house across the street. By the way, in addition to the new mailing address, we now have a new phone number and new e-mail addresses. I will be sending out a mass e-mail in the next few days, but if you need it before then let me know. Our cell phones are still the same, and the old e-mail addresses will be good for another couple of weeks. Another thing you should know is that I have not yet seen the new Indiana Jones movie. I couldn't talk Tiffany into going on Thursday night, and there was just too much going on this weekend. What this means is that if I run into you somewhere, we will not be having any Indy related conversation. Plot spoilers are liable to be hurt. I'm just warning you. I hope to have this situation under control in the next day or so. One more thing that you probably don't care about: the Mission: Metallica website officially goes live today. I haven't been this excited about an album coming out in a long time. We are looking forward to seeing these guys at Bonnaroo in a couple of weeks. For me, it will be Metallica show number 11. Tiffany is one behind me with 10. I can't believe anyone is still reading this. I just finished a glass of orange juice. I think I have run out of things to say. If there is something you want to know, or you need to see pictures of something, let me know. Leave a comment, or send me an e-mail.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

"When this baby hits 88 miles per hour..."

When we decided to move to the country, I had no idea we were going back in time. Of course we aren't connected to city sewers, so we have a septic tank--no big deal. We can't get cable TV, so we are going to get a dish. The worst part of this is that I have to break up with TiVo. Until they can solve their disagreements with Echostar, they are not going to be compatible. Fortunately, the Dish HD DVRs are supposed to be pretty nice. I kind of got off subject there for a minute. We just found out this week that we can't get DSL out there either. Our choices for internet are pretty slim it seems. We can get satellite internet which is not that fast and really expensive. We can get dial-up, which is probably worse than not having internet at all. We are opting for choice number three, which is Clearwire. It works on a cell phone band, and the little time I spent playing with it today makes me think I might be able to live with it. We are now at the point where about half of our stuff is at each house. Basically, if I am looking for something I need, it is at the other house. The new house is almost liveable now. It's still a little like camping, but we finally got a refrigerator and washer and dryer. Tiffany actually took a load of clothes across town just so she could use her new washer. Mom and Dad are bringing the dining room table this weekend. My new TV came this week. We are going to hang it on the wall, but I haven't done it yet. The satellite guy is coming tomorrow. I think that's all for tonight. I apologize if this post is all over the place. I just finished watching Lost, which always makes me a little crazy.

By the way, according to, liveable can also be spelled livable. I personally like the way I spelled it the first time.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A New Beginning

Dear "Constant Reader," a term I affectionately borrow from Mr. King of Bangor, Maine--

I have decided continue with the blog. Now that the house is finished, we have all new decisions to make, and I want to make sure everyone is kept up to speed. Work has been crazy, and we are trying to work out our schedules so that we can take some time off and actually move. We have made a few trips with some smaller things. Eventually we will get to the furniture. Right now we have a card table in the dining room with a couple of camping chairs. I think it's a whole new level of class. Stay tuned for all of the exciting new things to come. I'll probably throw in some of the same old stuff too, just for kicks.
