Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Four More Years

I just read my last blog entry, which was nearly nine months ago.  Crap.  I'm getting worse at this.  I'm just going to start typing and see what comes out.  Hopefully it's somewhat coherent.

This morning at breakfast, Ethan looks over to me and says, "Dad, if you have tough hard water stains, you need to get some Lime-A-Way."  He doesn't even watch that much TV, so this brings other questions to mind.  Does my child have a photographic memory of some sort and can remember everything he sees and hears?  Is advertising so effective that even a four year old is compelled to buy things?  I do believe marketing is often geared toward children, but in this particular instance I have to think that Ethan is not part of their main demographic.  That said, now I am looking at my bathroom and thinking maybe I do need some of that product.  I didn't even see the commercial.  Maybe kids should sell everything.

So Ethan is four years old, which is crazy.  For the most part time has flown by, though there are days when I wonder if it is almost time for him to move out.  He is a pretty good kid, although like everyone he has his moments.  Sometimes he is just difficult for the sake of being difficult.  I'm guessing he gets that from his mother.  His annual checkup at the doctor's office went well.  Here is the statistics that I remember for all of you die hard Ethan fans.  He is just shy of 43 inches tall (3'7''), which puts him into the 95 percentile for height.  Basically he is a giant.  He weighs 39 pounds.  That seems light to me, but according to the doctor he weighs the perfect amount for his height.  He had to get three shots this year.  He barely flinched.  I was really proud of him.  I think he conned us out of ice cream or something, but it seemed like a fair trade.  We have 19 year olds who come to the pharmacy with their mommies and cry because they don't want to get a shot.

For those that don't do Facebook, or for some other reason are out of the loop, here is what the rest of the year has been like so far.  In May we took a family trip to Hawaii.  By family trip, I mean the three of us, my sister and her son, my mother, and my grandmother.  It was exhausting, but all in all it was a good time for everyone.  In June, Tiffany and I made a trip to Detroit for the second annual Orion Music and More Festival.  This year was a giant improvement over last year's festival  in Atlantic City.  I don't know if it will be in Detroit again next year, but I figure wherever it is, we will try to make it.  This is the third year in a row that we have had to catch a plane to see Metallica.  One of these days they may come back to Texas, but in the meantime we are having fun traveling the globe.

Since Ethan was born, we have fallen behind on many of the great movies and television shows that have come out.  Recently we spent a week or so watching the entire run of The Walking Dead.  Now we are working our way through Breaking Bad.  Hands down these are two of the best shows on TV.  I would recommend them to anyone, except my mother.  They aren't for the faint of heart.  Anyway, that was kind of a random shout out to TV, but it was on my mind.  I figure if I spend too much time thinking about this blog,  it will never get done.  Now I'm going to go find some pictures to put with it.  Often I have the pictures first and I just write about what's been going on.  If the pictures don't have anything to do with the text of this blog, you're just going to have to get over it.  That is all.

OK, that's not all.  The last picture of Ethan (the tie shirt) is the most recent.  I took it about a week ago.  While I was looking at pictures, I came across this.  It is a photo collage from last year's Orion festival in Atlantic City that a superfan from Canada put together.  I'm on there three times, which makes me practically famous.  Two pics to the right of the logo is me in the electric chair.  The upper right corner of that picture is me holding a beach ball.  The lower right and down a little is a pic of me and Tiffany.  You may have to zoom in to see us, but we are there.  You may not care at all, and that's fine too.