I'm scared that I'm running out of things to say. Actually, I think with the amount of social media has rendered blogs somewhat archaic, kind of like paper books. I still have plenty going on, I just don't seem to have to time to get it typed. Maybe I need some kind of device where I talk into a bluetooth headset and that text appears on screen. Then I could blog from my truck. I'll have to look into that. I'm sure something like that exists. This is 2012. I guess it doesn't matter that much since the world is about to end anyway. I will give a shoutout to a blog that is much better than mine (and much more often updated). Check out Lucky Emily. After you are done there, come back and read a little more of my blog if you are so inclined.
Life is happening faster than I can keep up with this blog. At the end of June, we celebrated Ethan's third birthday. Due to various scheduling conflicts (and rock concerts), we didn't do much in the way of a party. We instead had a handful of mini-parties. This actually worked out well for Ethan, as he got to celebrate over and over. I did have to explain to him that he wasn't 4, and then 5 and so on just because we had another party. We did have a little cake and ice cream thing the weekend after his actual birthday. His major gift this year was his "big" bed. The first day we set it up, he was ready to go to bed about 5:30. We did manage to talk him into dinner first, and although he did mention once that he wanted his old bed back, he has slept just fine ever since. The one caveat to all of this is that every thing he owns must now sleep with him. If he gets anymore stuff, we may have to buy an even bigger bed. As I was looking at pictures for this blog, I realized that I don't have a picture of the bed. Epic fail. I'll try to get one sometime. I will tell you this about pictures. I love them, and I love to take them, but if you spend your whole life trying to get the perfect picture, you might actually miss everything else. Just enjoy being in the moment once in awhile. This also applys to cell phone cameras at rock concerts. Nobody cares about your crappy youtube videos. Put the phone down and enjoy the show.
His three year check up at the doctor went by without incident. He's still tall and skinny, but not too skinny we were told. The vital stats are as follows: 35 pounds and 40 inches tall. That's right, 3'4". The doctor said that he will probably be at least 6'2". Yes, that's taller than me. He started Pre-K a couple of weeks ago. This is a "first day of school" picture.