Friday, December 18, 2009

Happy Happy Joy Joy

For some reason unbeknownst to me, Ethan woke up at 3:30 this morning. He has been eating a lot the last few days. Tiffany thinks he is going through a growth spurt. Who knows? The good news is that it is Friday. I have the next three days off, then I work three and have four more off. I think it is going to be a good week. I don't think I have talked much about food on this blog. Ethan has been eating cereal for about two months, and we have been feeding him some vegetables for about half of that time. All in all this seems to be going well. I told him that it was perfectly acceptable not to like sweet potatoes. Everyone knows they are nasty. At least the baby food version doesn't include marshmallows. I think his favorite vegetable so far is squash, and peas seem to be his least favorite. He isn't spitting anything out, but we have had some interesting looks with a few things. I don't think he will be a picky eater though. Maybe it's too early to tell. Everything at daycare seems to be going well. I think they like him better than all of the other kids, but I could just be reading into what they tell me. Sunday night we went to see Bowling for Soup here in town. They are one of the most fun bands to see live, and we always have a good time. Our good friends Erin and Josh kept Ethan for us. They said he was good, and I don't think they were even lying about it. I guess that pretty much brings us up to date. Depending on how things go around here, you may not hear from me again until after Christmas. If that's the case, everyone have a good holiday.

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