I don't even know where to start. Let's just just jump right in. Ethan's newest trick is that he can open every drawer in the house. It's not a great trick. The cat used to do it all the time. Speaking of the cat, what do they make feline cuisine out of? I only ask because dogs seem to prefer it to their own food, and babies don't seem to mind it either. Mostly Ethan likes to play with it, but he has managed to sneak a couple of bites. At least he isn't a picky eater. This week he has also had a healthy dose of asparagus, beets, and a few other things that most people won't eat. In dental related news, he finally has a couple of teeth coming in. His two bottom front teeth are poking through just a little bit. I am quite relieved. Last week he was drooling like Niagara Falls. I can't believe Pampers hasn't invented a product for this. The drool seems to have subsided for now, and other than being a little cranky for a couple of days we came out unscathed.
"The Rant"
So I come home from work the other night, and Tiffany is watching a show called Toddlers and Tiaras. It should be called White Trash Parents Who Dress Their Kids Like Hookers & Pimps. Basically this show is about beauty pageants for children. When I say children, I don't mean teenagers. They actually have a category for 12 to 24 month old kids. Anyone that would whore their kids out like that deserves to be shot. The highlight of this particular episode was a five year old girl with a spray tan and an $1100 dress. I'm going to leave it at that. The rest of the things I have to say on this subject are probably not blog appropriate. I will mention that this show was immediately followed by something called I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant. You guessed it. Somehow these people go nine months without any idea. Reality TV is making people stupider; it has to be stopped. Maybe we need a reality show where we round up all of these morons and put them in a Roman coliseum and let them fight each other to the death. Maybe we could throw some tigers in there for good measure. That would at least be entertaining. Consider that my contribution to overpopulation. I have a few other ideas as well, but I will save them in case I need future blog material.
Ok, I'm over it. I feel much better now. Tiffany should be home from work shortly. We are going to hit the party store in preparation for the first birthday celebration going on here in a couple of weeks. I still think first birthday parties are stupid, but I have been outvoted by all of the women on the planet. I am sure Ethan won't remember it. I only remember one birthday party from my entire life, and I was at least ten. If nothing else, I guess it gives us a reason to show off how cute our baby is. He is adorable when he isn't acting like a little devil. The adorable comes from me, so I guess his mother is to blame for the other part. There will be more details to follow on this whole ordeal.
I remember your 10th bday...the pizza cake was the best! Love you guys! Callie