This is the third time I have sat down to write this blog. I am not a professional writer, and I am easily distracted by other things. Also, for the last week or so I have been sick. So I haven't had time to write, but I have been reading quite a bit. In anticipation of the David Fincher film, I finished reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. It was a decent book, and I am about halfway through the second one. I know a lot of people read these books a few years back, but the last couple of years have been super busy for me, and I am just now getting caught up on a few things. We finally got around to watching the last Harry Potter film this past weekend. Nothing super exciting is going on around here, but I will catch you up on what has happened since the last blog. Give me a minute to go back and read it. Maybe whistle the theme to Jeopardy or something. OK, you can keep reading now.
We took our annual trip to the DRI pumpkin patch to take some pictures and pick up a couple of pumpkins. Since we were there only a couple of days before Halloween, there wasn't much to choose from. Ethan was pretty happy with the choices he made though. As for the holiday itself, we did make a couple of stops to trick or treat. I don't think Ethan really understood what was going on, but he was sure glad to have the candy when it was all over. Even with the limited stops, we had enough candy for three people which worked out nicely. I didn't mention that Ethan was dressed as Larry the Cucumber from Veggietales. Although I have come to despise this show, Ethan cannot get enough of it. Thank you Netflix streaming for allowing my child to have an endless source of cartoons at his disposal. I guess there are worse things he could be watching. I'm talking to you Spongebob. He actually doesn't watch that much, but I will admit that using a smart phone on a two year old often has the same effect as Kirk setting his phaser to stun. Go ahead. Soak it all in.
Tiffany and I celebrated our 11th anniversary a couple of weeks ago. A year ago on our anniversary, we were in the audience at Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. This year, we settled for dinner with my grandmother here in Abilene. Our actual anniversary trip was a few days later. We went to Dallas to see Stephen King speak. As longtime fans of his books, we both thought this would be fun to do. This was a fundraising event for the Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza. The whole thing lasted a little over an hour, but in my opinion it was well worth it. He discussed politics, conspiracy theories, and talked a little about his new book. For those not in the loop, his new book is about a guy who goes back in time to stop the JFK assassination. I will probably read it as soon as I am finished reading about Lisbeth Salander.
That pretty much brings us up to date. Wait. I just lied. No, I said pretty much, so I guess I didn't lie. Nevermind. Last Tuesday night began the new season of musicals at the civic center. The first one was Young Frankenstein. Yes it is based on the Mel Brooks film, and yes it was just as funny. In fact, I would say that it was probably one of the best plays we have ever seen here in Abilene. In discussing this play with a few people, I discovered that there are actually people who haven't seen the movie. I realize Mel Brooks may be an acquired taste to some, but this is definitely among the funniest films ever made. Of course, I've always been a little strange.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
Eternal Flame
This past weekend, we decided to make a quick trip to the State Fair. If I were to write a book about things you shouldn't do with a two year old who hasn't had a nap, this would probably fill a whole chapter. I'm not going to say I didn't have fun, but it sure seemed like a lot more work than usual. Fortunately, the weather was agreeable. It took us about fifteen minutes to find something fried to eat. We started with Fried Buffalo Chicken in a Flapjack and some Deep Fried Queso. Both of these things were excellent, and probably our favorites from the trip. I attempted to try fried Frito Pie, only to be told that they were out. Really? Buy some more Fritos. We aren't in the middle of nowhere. Let me run across the street and just get some for you. Then you can fry them. Everyone's happy. I'm just sayin'. That seems like a poor way to run your junk food stand. Over the course of the afternoon, we also ate fried biscuits and gravy, fried pepperoni pizza, fried pineapple upside down cake, and fried Autumn pumpkin pie. I didn't care for the pizza, but everything else was pretty good. We also got a barbecue wrap with some fries, and I had a bratwurst for a late night snack. They seriously ought to hand out Nexium and Lipitor when you walk through the gate.
Bonus Trivia: The Bangles' hit Manic Monday was actually written by Prince under the pseudonym Christopher.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
A couple of weeks ago, I posted our vacation pictures on Facebook. My Aunt Vicki was quick to point out that I didn't include a picture of my feet. She couldn't believe that I didn't take one, and she was right. I took one. I don't know why I have all of these feet pictures, but for some reason I find them interesting. I was saving this particular picture for this blog, which I intended to post about a day or two after the pictures. Now that some time has passed, I will probably have to give you the short version. It goes like this.
The last week of September, we took a cruise. Specifically, we took a Southern Carribean cruise on the Serenade of the Seas. In addition to myself, Tiffany, and Ethan, were my sister, her husband, and their baby, and my grandmother and her best friend Patsy. We all flew to San Juan, Puerto Rico and spent the night before getting on the big ship the next day. I would have liked to have spent a little more time there, but I guess we will have to do that another time. Fun fact: We took a cruise in 2008 that was supposed to stop in San Juan, but we didn't make that particular port of call due to a hurricane. Including my planned trip to New Orleans in 2005, that brings the total number of times hurricanes have screwed up my vacation to two. This was our fourth time on a cruise ship, and also the fourth time with Royal Carribean. It was the first time that we had to take a two year old with us. This presents a whole new set of experiences. The ship itself was gorgeous. It wasn't the biggest ship we have been on, nor was it the smallest. They layout was great, and getting around the ship required minimal effort. The staff was extremely tolerant of the children. While many people thought Ethan was cute, his cousin Murray practically had a fan club. I thought eating in the dining room was going to be a disaster, but overall Ethan did extremely well. He got to test out his tastebuds on things like lobster, prime rib, and leg of lamb. Kids menus are for girls. He ate extremely well the entire trip. If memory serves, the itinerary was something like this: sea day, Barbados, St. Lucia, Antigua, St. Maarten, St. Croix USVI. As we were somewhat limited on what we could do with the kids, we spent a lot of time at the beach. Although I don't generally consider myself a beach person, we did have a pretty good time. Ethan loved being in the water. We took the kids to the zoo while we were in St. Maarten. I think they used the term zoo a little freely. It was a few chain link fences with some Carribean wildlife. It was kind of fun though, and it was a nice break from the beach. We also got to eat some pretty interesting island food in a few places, including something called fish wings. I just did a quick google search on fish wings and came up with nothing, but I swear I didn't make it up. They were delicious. I know it has something to do with a fish that is native to that island. I also bought a bottle of banana ketchup, which I intend to try soon. I'll let you know. At the end of the week, we were all exhausted. It was a fun time, but it is always good to be home for a few days. Tiffany was home for about 12 hours before she had to get up and get ready for work again. I took two extra days off just for good measure. I will also note that we had a ton of laundry after this trip, and after two loads the washing machine stopped working. We had to order a new pump, so we lived around our piles of laundry for about a week. We are now having trouble with the ice maker, and the fan in the wine fridge. Apparently appliances are only made to last three and a half years. Thanks to the washing machine incident, I now know a good appliance guy. This past weekend was Granny's birthday. I will discuss that in a future blog (probably).
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Back to School
I started writing this a couple of days ago. I got sidetracked, and now I have completely forgotten what I was going to write about. It looks like I covered the birthday party already. Based on the title, I may have had some commentary on going back to school. I don't know if there was something specific there, or what. I guess I will just wing it. Here's what I can tell you about this time of year. My drive to work in the morning becomes exponentially longer. I guess that everyone that lives between my house and the school is either a teacher or driving their kid to school. None of these cars are on the road in the summer. There are a few kids hanging out on the corner in the morning waiting for the bus. I guess their parents have jobs. Another thing I had to hear about all week is how people are sad that their kids are grown up and going to school. I personally cannot wait for my kid to go to school. I will feel like I am getting a fat raise. Daycare pricing is ridiculous. Actually, for the number of hours they watch my child every week, it's a bargain. School is essentially free, except for the taxes which I am already paying. I have been told by everyone I know that I will be sad when my kid starts school, but I just don't see it. Since he has gone to daycare since he was about four months old, I don't really see much difference. We actually refer to the daycare as school anyway. Ask me about all of this again in three years and I will let you know how I feel then. As for now, school is just another step toward getting him out of my house. And yes, I do love my child.
I know these pictures are almost the same. I liked them because it actually looks like he is playing something resembling real basketball. I have purposefully left out the other 100 pictures I took. There is one or two more on Facebook for those so inclined.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Chasing Amy
Starting off, these are some pictures I took at a birthday party a couple of weeks ago. They aren't great for two reasons. First, I was still trying to figure out how to use a new camera. The other reason is that two year olds can move faster than the speed of light--unless it's early in the morning and I'm late for work. The party was for another two year old. Apparently when you have a child, you get the privilege of attending these things all the time. I'm just glad that this one was inside. We are still in the middle of what seems like an endless summer. I am beginning to feel like the heat is never going to let up. It's sad that I now consider any temperature below 105 a cool day. Basically, I never want to go outside anymore. Currently I am typing this from my air-conditioned living room while watching the latest episode of Food Network Star. I don't know why I even like this show, but I have spent a lot of time watching this channel lately. Ethan is also a fan, and he can correctly identify Bobby Flay. Watching Food Network just makes me hungry, which is fine because I love to eat. I have also been watching a great deal of Man Vs. Food, which is actually on the Travel Channel. Weird. In other entertainment options, I am now hooked on the podcast The Tobolowsky Files. If you have any interest in the entertainment industry, or just good storytelling, you should definitely check it out. In non couch potato news, I went out on Sunday night to see Filter and Saliva. Neither of these bands are huge, but they are huge for Abilene. The first time we saw Saliva, they opened for Kiss and Aerosmith. I thought they were fun then, and we have seen them a few times since then, including a club show in Las Vegas. Filter is a band that I have been a fan of since I was in high school. I had tickets to see them in 1996 when they opened for White Zombie. I no longer remember the reason we were late, but we got there in time to see them walking off of the stage. A few years ago, Tiffany and I went to Edgefest in Dallas. Unfortunately, they played early in the day, and I missed them again. I did hear them from the parking lot, but I really can't count that one. I was thrilled when I heard they were coming to Abilene, and I am glad that I was finally able to check this band off my list. They didn't disappoint, and actually I think it was better this way. I don't remember much about the White Zombie show, but I do remember being so hot that our clothes were drenched in sweat. It was nice to see the show in a small little bar, with a couple hundred of Abilene's weirdest people. As a side note, the band stayed around after playing and talked, took pictures, and shook hands with anyone who wanted to. I always love a band that is good to their fans.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
I will do my best to catch everybody up, but my memory is not great as it used to be. I can barely remember what I had for breakfast this morning. It is pretty rare these days for me to have much to do on the weekend anymore, other than chores around the house. The last three weeks have been an exception. Some might even say they were exceptional. The first of our exciting weekends began with a Saturday night trip to the Taylor County Expo Center to see Jeff Dunham. He was absolutely hilarious, and we had a wonderful time, despite the fact that it was warm enough in there to cook a turkey. Ethan had a great time that night as well. He stayed with Vicki and Carl, and when we went to pick him up he didn't want to leave.
On June 29, Ethan turned 2 years old. It's funny how time flies, and yet somehow it seems like he has been here forever. I guess we are getting into the Terrible Twos, although most of my friends assure me that the 3s are worse. That's comforting. We had a small party with extended family here at the house on the weekend following his birthday. It's nice at this age when they have no concept of actual dates and you can hold the party when it is convenient for everyone. Ethan wasn't big on presents again this year. The first package he opened had stickers in it, and he pretty much didn't care about anything after that. What is so fun about stickers anyway? He did get a trampoline from my parents, which has already gotten quite a bit of use.
This past weekend, we were graced with the company of our good friends Matt and Lisa. They brought their kids as well, and we all had a great time just visiting and lounging around the house. Lilah and Ethan had so much fun that they hardly seemed to notice the rest of us were even there. Monday we had Ethan's yearly check-up with the doctor. There were no shots this time, which was nice. I guess he is doing fine. They didn't tell us we were bad parents or anything. Here is what I can tell you. He weighs 28 pounds, is 36 1/4 inches tall, head circumference of 19 1/4 inches, and a BMI of 15. If you are looking to compare, here are the percentile numbers respectively: 50, 90, 50, 10. In layman's terms--average weight, super tall, normal head, skinny.
As far as I know, the next couple of months should be pretty calm around here. I still have a million things to do today though, so this is all you're getting right now. My mom took a bunch of pictures from the birthday party. I will try to weed through them this weekend and get some of them posted.
On June 29, Ethan turned 2 years old. It's funny how time flies, and yet somehow it seems like he has been here forever. I guess we are getting into the Terrible Twos, although most of my friends assure me that the 3s are worse. That's comforting. We had a small party with extended family here at the house on the weekend following his birthday. It's nice at this age when they have no concept of actual dates and you can hold the party when it is convenient for everyone. Ethan wasn't big on presents again this year. The first package he opened had stickers in it, and he pretty much didn't care about anything after that. What is so fun about stickers anyway? He did get a trampoline from my parents, which has already gotten quite a bit of use.
This past weekend, we were graced with the company of our good friends Matt and Lisa. They brought their kids as well, and we all had a great time just visiting and lounging around the house. Lilah and Ethan had so much fun that they hardly seemed to notice the rest of us were even there. Monday we had Ethan's yearly check-up with the doctor. There were no shots this time, which was nice. I guess he is doing fine. They didn't tell us we were bad parents or anything. Here is what I can tell you. He weighs 28 pounds, is 36 1/4 inches tall, head circumference of 19 1/4 inches, and a BMI of 15. If you are looking to compare, here are the percentile numbers respectively: 50, 90, 50, 10. In layman's terms--average weight, super tall, normal head, skinny.
As far as I know, the next couple of months should be pretty calm around here. I still have a million things to do today though, so this is all you're getting right now. My mom took a bunch of pictures from the birthday party. I will try to weed through them this weekend and get some of them posted.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Easy Rider
I realize I have been off the grid for a little bit. What can I say? Life is happening everyday. It could be that I just didn't have anything to say. Possibly it could be that the heat has fried my brain. I would like to know what has happened to Spring. We have had some days here where it was 110 degrees! I am thinking about hibernating for the summer. Ultimately I am going to blame sleep deprivation. For the last few weeks, Ethan has decided that he doesn't want to sleep. It is strange to us, because he has always been good as far as bedtime goes. Now, not only does he not want to go to bed (which I am blaming on Daylight Savings Time), but he has decided that 1:30 AM is a good time to get out of bed and wake everyone else up. Seriously, if he wants to get up in the middle of the night and do something quietly in his room, I'm all for it. The fact that he feels the need to crawl up onto our bed and keep us up is another thing entirely. Last night he did stay in his room all night. I'm hoping that wasn't a fluke and that he has finally decided to just stay in there. I have been told that it is illegal to handcuff your kid to the bed. I will point out that when he wakes up in the middle of the night, he isn't screaming or crying. I think he is just waking up and wants to see what's going on. Tiffany thinks that the reason he doesn't want to go to bed on time is because he finally figured out that we weren't going to bed at the same time. He's afraid he might miss something exciting I guess. All things considered, we are doing fine. Ethan will be two years old in less than three weeks. I am most looking forward to being able to state his age in years like a normal person. I will admit that I have been referring to him as "almost two" for quite a while though. Twenty-three months sounds stupid. This past weekend we made a trip to the big city. Saturday night we saw Bowling For Soup in Fort Worth. Although I have seen this band probably a dozen times, they are always fun. Sarah and Josh took care of Ethan, and they even said he was good. I'm not sure if I believe them or not, but they seemed like they didn't mind. Sunday we had planned to stick around for a while, but after breakfast we decided we needed to get home. Apparently we are too old to be hanging out at bars all night. No, mom, we were not hungover--just exhausted. We did make a planned stop in Arlington, which I will now just refer to as the Babies R Us incident. I could probably fill up another ten pages on that, but that is a story for another day. The pictures of Ethan that I have included are the most recent ones we have. I know, because I took them about an hour ago. The tricycle was a gift (I think at Christmas) that has just been sitting in the box. I finally got it put together a couple of weeks ago, and Ethan loves it. He was using the word bicycle before I even got it put together. I don't even know how he knows that word. He is not great at riding it by himself, but he loves me pushing him up and down the driveway. I will probably enjoy this more when it isn't 110 outside.
By the way, for you people on the go, this blog (if you are reading on Blogger) is now optimized for mobile devices. Don't read it while you are driving. Otherwise you might not make it to the end, which is where all the good jokes are.
By the way, for you people on the go, this blog (if you are reading on Blogger) is now optimized for mobile devices. Don't read it while you are driving. Otherwise you might not make it to the end, which is where all the good jokes are.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Kate Middleton is hot!
Something amazing happened this morning, and it had nothing to do with wealthy English people. My child slept until 9:00. For those out of the loop, he usually rised between 7 and 7:30. I have to admit that I did check a couple of times to make sure he was breathing. When he finally did wake up, he told me he wanted Cheerios for breakfast. Then he proceeded to eat three bowls. He has been eating pretty well the last few days. Last night we grilled pork tenderloin and he ate nearly as much as I did, along with plenty of peas and mashed potatoes. As for the big wedding, nobody in this house got up early this morning to watch it. Tiffany did ask me to record it for her. Since I personally don't know any of the people involved, I could care less. Piers Morgan said the other night that Americans seem to care more about it than the English. Weird.
A lot has happened since my last post. Because time is a factor here, as it always is, I will do my best to bring you up to speed. My sister, her husband, and their baby came to visit a couple of weeks ago. It was wonderful to see them. While they were here, we had a big family picture made. I am going on Monday to check out the proofs. I will be amazed if any of them turned out. Ethan wasn't in a bad mood, but he also wasn't in a sitting still mood. I hate portraits like this, but I know my mother will love them no matter what. Once again, we had the Murray family reunion at Lake Brownwood. It is always a good time, and this year was no exception. Ethan spent a lot of time playing in the dirt. In addition to the endless amounts of food, it is always fun to see everyone. For most of us, it is the only time of year that we get to spend together.
This past weekend, also known as Easter weekend, Tiffany and I took a little mini vacation to the west coast. Technically we weren't on the coast, but we were on the western side of the country. We flew into Las Vegas and spent a night before traveling to California for The Big 4 concert. I probably mentioned this before, but this was a giant event featuring Anthrax, Megadeth, Slayer, and Metallica. I know that you are either thrilled for us, or completely mortified. All I have to say is that heavy music is alive and well in this country. If you don't like it, you're probably just in denial. All four bands were good, and as an added bonus, my cousin Morgan went out for the show as well. We had a good time hanging out with her and her friends while we were there. A couple of interesting things did happen at the show. First, there was a mosh pit with an actual fire burning in the middle of it. We kept waiting for some authority to come put it out, but it didn't happen while we were watching. The other first for me was a guy in a wheelchair who was right up front moshing during Metallica. How he managed to get into that crowd is beyond me, but he was there having a good time along with everyone else. We spent the night in a resort hotel in Indian Wells. If we had been there during daylight hours, we probably would have enjoyed it a little more. Two other things are worth mentioning about California. In N Out Burger is awesome. Gas prices are terrible. We paid $4.23 a gallon to fill up the car, which was easily the cheapest price we saw anywhere. It made me feel a little better about paying $3.69 for it here in Texas. After meeting Morgan and Angie for a late breakfast, we headed back toward Vegas. Along the way, we made a stop at an outlet mall. Tiffany bought something in nearly every store I think. We spent the night at the New York New York before heading home on Monday. Thanks to the weather, we did have some trouble getting home. After spending about seven hours at DFW, we finally got on a flight to Abilene. By the way, while we were out having fun, Ethan stayed home with Tiffany's mom. They hunted Easter eggs and had all kinds of good fun. I will try to procure some pictures of these events. I do have some video. Alas, I didn't even take a camera on our trip to Vegas, but I will leave you with a couple of pics that my Aunt Vicki took while Callie was here.
Bonus blog info: If you are looking for any new music, I will currently recommend Bowling For Soup's Fishin' For Woos and the Foo Fighters' Wasting Light.
A lot has happened since my last post. Because time is a factor here, as it always is, I will do my best to bring you up to speed. My sister, her husband, and their baby came to visit a couple of weeks ago. It was wonderful to see them. While they were here, we had a big family picture made. I am going on Monday to check out the proofs. I will be amazed if any of them turned out. Ethan wasn't in a bad mood, but he also wasn't in a sitting still mood. I hate portraits like this, but I know my mother will love them no matter what. Once again, we had the Murray family reunion at Lake Brownwood. It is always a good time, and this year was no exception. Ethan spent a lot of time playing in the dirt. In addition to the endless amounts of food, it is always fun to see everyone. For most of us, it is the only time of year that we get to spend together.
This past weekend, also known as Easter weekend, Tiffany and I took a little mini vacation to the west coast. Technically we weren't on the coast, but we were on the western side of the country. We flew into Las Vegas and spent a night before traveling to California for The Big 4 concert. I probably mentioned this before, but this was a giant event featuring Anthrax, Megadeth, Slayer, and Metallica. I know that you are either thrilled for us, or completely mortified. All I have to say is that heavy music is alive and well in this country. If you don't like it, you're probably just in denial. All four bands were good, and as an added bonus, my cousin Morgan went out for the show as well. We had a good time hanging out with her and her friends while we were there. A couple of interesting things did happen at the show. First, there was a mosh pit with an actual fire burning in the middle of it. We kept waiting for some authority to come put it out, but it didn't happen while we were watching. The other first for me was a guy in a wheelchair who was right up front moshing during Metallica. How he managed to get into that crowd is beyond me, but he was there having a good time along with everyone else. We spent the night in a resort hotel in Indian Wells. If we had been there during daylight hours, we probably would have enjoyed it a little more. Two other things are worth mentioning about California. In N Out Burger is awesome. Gas prices are terrible. We paid $4.23 a gallon to fill up the car, which was easily the cheapest price we saw anywhere. It made me feel a little better about paying $3.69 for it here in Texas. After meeting Morgan and Angie for a late breakfast, we headed back toward Vegas. Along the way, we made a stop at an outlet mall. Tiffany bought something in nearly every store I think. We spent the night at the New York New York before heading home on Monday. Thanks to the weather, we did have some trouble getting home. After spending about seven hours at DFW, we finally got on a flight to Abilene. By the way, while we were out having fun, Ethan stayed home with Tiffany's mom. They hunted Easter eggs and had all kinds of good fun. I will try to procure some pictures of these events. I do have some video. Alas, I didn't even take a camera on our trip to Vegas, but I will leave you with a couple of pics that my Aunt Vicki took while Callie was here.
Bonus blog info: If you are looking for any new music, I will currently recommend Bowling For Soup's Fishin' For Woos and the Foo Fighters' Wasting Light.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
"They said my friends were just an unruly mob"
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
I don't have a lot of time, so here goes nothing. No really, I mean nothing. I guess technically these pictures count as something, but if you are looking for any interesting commentary you can count me out. This weekend was full of exciting things like laundry and getting the oil changed. Sunday night was the series finale of Big Love. I also watched Pee-Wee Herman's Broadway show on HBO. Maybe nostalgia played a part here, but I loved it anyway (then why don't you marry it?).
I have been surfing the internet in preparation for our Vegas trip next month. It is going to be a quick trip, but a little Vegas is better than nothing at all. Also coming up in April is the big Murray reunion. I am very much looking forward to spending some time with my new nephew Murray. Wrap your head around that--a Murray family gathering featuring a baby named Murray. It sounds like a party to me. Enjoy these pictures. I told you there wasn't much here.
Ethan has a million toys, but he would rather play with the furniture.
Here is Ethan investigating a crime in the backyard.
I did have a birthday this month. It was relatively uneventful. Today is my mother's birthday. I can't tell you how old she is, but it rhymes with bixty. Happy Birthday, Mom.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Last night's Academy Awards might have been the most boring television since the second season of Lost. I can't even quite put my finger on it, but I was basically uninterested from start to finish. I will admit that I have hardly seen any of the movies that were nominated. In fact, there were only two movies that were nominated for anything that we have actually seen--Alice In Wonderland (costume design, art direction, visual effects) and Salt (sound mixing). There have been years in the past where we have seen almost everything, including some of the foreign ones. These days its hard to find time to sneak away to the movies. The problem I had wasn't with the films or the actors. I was glad to see Trent Reznor win, as well as crazy Christian Bale. Someone should get that guy a razor. The hosts were alright I guess. The whole thing just seemed to drag on. I would like to add a few suggestions to make the show a little better. They seemed to make no effort to run people off the stage during their lengthy acceptance speeches. I know they have a lot of people to thank, but maybe some of that could be done with a phone call later. I don't need to hear you thank your childhood babysitter or your first pet. I also hate to cut music from anything, but movie songs are for the most part just boring. Randy Newman is way past his prime, but somehow he gets to perform every year. Also, listening to Celine Dion sing is like being stabbed in the ear repeatedly. Some people might argue that she has a great voice, but does she sing anything that anyone wants to hear? In the great Farrelly comedy Dumb and Dumber, the question is asked, "Do you want to hear the most annoying sound in the world?" It turns out, that the sound in that movie is not the most annoying. How Celine sells any albums at all will always baffle me. Another way we could trim the fat on the Oscars would be to take a note from the Grammys and give the technical awards in a different ceremony. I know those people deserve awards, but how many viewers can distinguish sound mixing from sound editing? Finally, I wasn't a huge fan of the finale of awkward kids singing together with all of the winners. I'm sure some people thought it was cute. I would like to know why they used school kids from Staten Island. Does California not have schools? Perhaps none of these things would have been a problem if we had just recorded and watched it later. Then we could have just skipped the boring parts. I guess none of this even matters in the overall scheme of things. It's Monday. By Friday, I will probably have forgotten all about all of this. Have a great week.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
I wonder if Ebay has flux capacitors
As of today, 2011 is 15% over. As they say, time flies when you are having fun. It seems like there isn't much time for fun these days, but we have certainly been busy. This week has been especially crazy. I have been trying to get this blog done all week, but Ethan has been sick which has kept me from getting much done around here. Right now he is occupied with his crayons, so maybe I can get a few words written. A couple of weeks ago, we made a trip to Dallas to see Cirque du Soleil's Ovo. It is probably one of the better shows that we have seen--at least as far as the touring ones go. Tiffany's mom went with us to watch Ethan while we were out. We lived our three hours to the fullest, each enjoying our $14 margaritas. I asked the bartender if they were the best margaritas ever. They weren't. The next day we spent most of our time shopping and eating. For any fans of Cafe Brazil, I can seriously recommend the breakfast relleno crepes. If you don't live in the Dallas area, it might be worth the trip. Seriously. Ethan was pretty good the entire time, though he was definitely exhausted by the time we got home. As for things going on in Abilene, Monday night we left Ethan with my Aunt Vicki and went to see Beauty and the Beast at the civic center. The show is pretty girly, but as far as production and performance go, it was one of the best we've seen. The last show of the season is not until April, and it is Legally Blonde. Clearly there are too many women on the Abilene Cultural Affairs Committee. How about something like Terminator--The Musical? This week, on and off, Ethan has been running a fever. His nose has been running, and there is lots of coughing going on. I took him to the doctor on Tuesday. He tested negative for the flu. Basically, it's some kind of viral infection. The doctor said the runny dose and cough may last 7 to 10 days. Yea. I am going to wrap this up for now. I know it was short. Give me a couple of days, and perhaps I will have more to say.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Let The Sunshine In
"So much time and so little to do. Wait a minute. Strike that. Reverse it."
I have a lot to mention here. Undoubtedly I will forget some of it, but I'm going to just start typing and see what happens. First, if you tried to call me yesterday, I didn't get your call. Wednesday night while trying to perform a routine software "upgrade" my phone died. Well, died may not be the right word. There were a few signs of life, such as some lights and an occasional screen flicker. Let's go with comatose. The good doctors at the Sprint Store were able to resuscitate it with only some minor surgery and a couple of rounds of dialysis. So far it seems to be functioning normally, only a little different than before. It is sort of like a second chance at life, or in this case 2.1. Overall it seems to be an improvement.
OK, let's back up a bit. Christmas. I can almost remember it. I worked a lot of hours around the holidays this year. On top of that, I had the worst sore throat of my life. Though I didn't actually do a strep test, I did get a giant shot of Rocephin and ten days worth of drugs for it. I felt pretty miserable the week of Christmas, but I did my best to have a good time. I got lots of goodies, but Ethan was clearly the winner in all of this. He now has more toys than anyone could possibly play with. It's kind of funny that you can give a kid anything they could possibly want, but in the end they can have a lot more fun with an empty box. Maybe somebody should share this info with The Container Store. There could be millions to gain from this knowledge.
Saturday, we made our first family trip to the Abilene Zoo. It's not a great zoo, but Ethan seemed to enjoy himself. He did enjoy feeding the giraffes quite a bit. Mostly he was just glad to be outside where he could run around. The sun was out that day, but it was still a little chilly. When it warms up a little, I would like to make a trip over to the Fort Worth Zoo. That night I met some friends at a bar for the musical stylings of Elvis T. Busboy and The Blues Butchers. They were fantastic, though the bar was a weird combination of old people and bikers. Strangely enough, there weren't too many old bikers. Thanks again to Rob for turning me on to them.
On Monday Ethan had his 18 month checkup. There was only one shot involved, which didn't seem to bother him too much. They asked me about a million questions. I might be making these numbers up, but I think that the stats are as follows: 26 lbs., 4 oz., 33.5 inches tall. I can check later, but I'm pretty sure those are correct. I had them noted in my phone until Wednesday. I did backup that info in the form of Tiffany. She will let me know if I'm wrong. Besides that, the doctor said he was totally healthy, growing at a normal rate and all that jazz. Once again, he mentioned that Ethan was going to be tall. Almost everyday he seems to learn a new word. I'm not saying he's a genius, but the doctor said he should know between 20 and 50 words by the time he is 2. We passed that mark a long time ago. Recently, he has learned to say fork and sit, both which kind of resemble other words. He can recognize several colors now, as well as random numbers and letters. We do read to him quite a bit, but I also have to give props to the daycare for teaching him all kinds of things.
I just got distracted by Facebook. That seems to happen from time to time. Apparently my friend Matt is cleaning out old photos. All I can say is that I have a few of those too.
I need to really wrap this up, but one other thing has been bothering me for the last couple of days. I have been a Pisces all my life, but now I am reading that I may actually be an Aquarius. I feel like maybe I have been given bad advice my whole life. I'm blaming the newspaper psychic for everything bad that has ever happened to me. Lawsuits will be forthcoming. I'm also afraid to eat Chinese food now. What if I find out that I was not actually born in the year of the snake? I don't know if I could handle it. Please China, hold your ground.
Happy New Year!
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