Saturday, April 9, 2011

"They said my friends were just an unruly mob"

I can't even begin to tell you how exciting my life is these days.  I would somewhat liken it to Will Ferrell's speech from Old School right before he does the beer bong.  You know the one about Home Depot and Bed Bath and Beyond?  Today was family haircut day.  I know that got your attention.  No?  Well, we are having a family picture made here in a few days, and Tiffany thought we should all look presentable.  I personally don't think my hair is any shorter than it was this morning.  I'm getting to the point where there isn't that much there anyway.  Ethan was in bad need of a haircut though.  He was beginning to look like Cousin It.  He sat in the chair just like any other person without any screaming or kicking.  I haven't figured out yet why he behaves so well in front of other people.  This may be an early sign that he could pursue acting.  Now we all look fantastic.  Now a decision must be made regarding clothing for the aforementioned picture.  By the way, when I say family picture, I mean all of us.  My sister and her family will be here on Wednesday, as well as my parents.  I can't see a real point in this picture.  If you have access to the internet and are able to read this blog, you already know what all of these people look like.  At least we are good looking.  If you are lucky, I will post some of the shots on the blog in a couple of weeks.  That mostly depends on the photographer I guess.  I wouldn't want to do anything unethical.  Also, coming up this week is a meeting with a lawyer about a will.  Probably this is something we should have done a long time ago, but until now have never gotten around to it.  The whole thing seems kind of ridiculous, since I have nothing to leave anybody anyway.  If I have anything that you want, you better start sucking up to me before Thursday.  Otherwise we are leaving it all to the cat.  Oh, I mean the kid.  I think.  I'll check with Tiffany on that one.  I mentioned that my sister would be here.  This is our first chance to meet our nephew Murray.  I guess he is about four months old, though I will have to consult my earlier post about baby math to make sure.  He and Ethan are separated in age just about the same length of time that Callie and I are.  Hopefully that doesn't mean they will hate each other for sixteen years.  We are excited about spending time with all of them, as well as the rest of the Murray family at the big reunion in Brownwood.  The following week, Tiffany and I will be taking a quick trip to Vegas, with a side trip to California.  We are going to see The Big 4 (Anthrax, Megadeth, Slayer, and Metallica) at the Empire Polo Club in Indio.  It's the same place they hold Coachella.  This is the only show that these guys are all playing in the US, and Tiffany said we had to go.  As for life around here, Ethan is beginning to talk more and more by the day.  He has nearly mastered the alphabet, he can count to ten, and as of yesterday he can tell you left from right.  Two new abilities we are not as happy about are climbing out of his crib and opening doors.  We may have to look into one of those invisible fences.  I guess that is everything I have for now.  I know that these blogs are becoming less and less frequent, but I do try.  For more immediate updates, there's Facebook and Twitter.  I will clarify that if you follow me on Twitter, you are not likely to read very much.  I don't really see the point.  Maybe I'm just old.  Finally, for those of you who can't get Rebecca Black's Friday video out of your head, I encourage you to check out the Stephen Colbert/Jimmy Fallon version.  I posted it on Facebook about a week ago, but I still think it's awesome.  I know I said finally already, but one more thing just occurred to me.  Ethan and I caught the last of the VH1 Top 20 this morning.  Two of the top four videos have the F word in the title of the song.  Can you believe what the kids are listening to these days?  As somewhat of a connoisseur of music, I can tell you that the stuff our parents listened to was just as bad.  They will argue that is wasn't, but they are wrong.  Besides, it's hard not to love that Cee Lo Green song.

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