I have to apologize for the complete lack of interesting blog material. I feel like that will probably change sometime in June. Until then, you will just have to read about whatever I can come up with on the spot. We had a doctor's appointment on Monday. Everything is fine. He told us that if we have anywhere else to go, do it before June 1. Unfortunately, I have nowhere to go, so I guess we are grounded. The good thing is that I have about a million things to do around the house. The baby has been pretty active. We have already decided that he is a Metallica fan, since he tends to move around a lot when the music is playing. Last night we went to see Terminator Salvation. I didn't think it was as good as the original, but I do think it is a great beginning to a new trilogy. Christian Bale was amazing, but the support cast was stellar. I guess it's been a good couple of years for Bale, who apparently loves to play superheroes. Maybe John Connor is not technically a superhero, but I would put him up against Batman any day. For some reason I have always loved this franchise, and I am pleased with the latest addition. This comes just three days after Fox canceled The Sarah Connor Chronicles. I need to watch less TV anyway.
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