Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Dr. Acula

At the beginning of last week, Ethan was sick.  The daycare called.  Tiffany picked him up and took him to the doctor.  He was running a fever, but they couldn't any sign of infection or anything.  They drew blood twice before deciding that their lab equipment wasn't working correctly.  Then Ethan and Tiffany had to drive to another office so they could take whatever blood he had left.  Fortunately I was at work this whole time and missed out on all of the screaming.  I did go the next day to find out the results.  The results were this:  routine viral infection, keep fever down with Tylenol.  The poor baby was hot to the touch, which is amazing since he was now missing so much blood.  He obviously didn't feel well, since he didn't even want to do much but be held.  After a couple of days, he seemed to feel better.  His appetite returned to normal, and by the weekend he was ready to begin his next adventure.  I do think it's interesting that the daycare won't keep sick kids.  Everybody knows that's where he got the germs in the first place.  As the weekend rolled around, we prepared for our little road trip.  Saturday afternoon we drove to Buda to visit Tiffany's sister.  The sun was in full effect, so we checked out the neighborhood pool while we were there.  Ethan enjoyed the water a lot more than I expected him to.  He has no fear of the water, which may not be a good thing.  We went out to dinner that night, and Ethan proceeded to flirt with all of the waitresses.  Afterwards we drove into Austin for some Amy's Ice Cream.  It was amazing as always.  Sunday after eating some killer breakfast burritos, we headed loaded back up and headed for The Woodlands.  We arrived about mid-afternoon and spent a little time visiting with Em, Ryan, and the girls before heading for the Toyota Center.  Ethan agreed to be good while we were gone.  On th way to the show, we stopped off at Pappasito's for some Mexican food and margaritas.  I will gladly recommend the pulled pork enchiladas.  Sunday was my 14th time to see Tool (8 for Tiffany) and I am looking forward to my 15th time.  They are that good.  In addition to another great performance, we ran into my friend Jeremy.  After the show was over, we met him at La Carafe and discussed life and music over a bottle of wine.  We made it back to The Woodlands around 1:30 AM.  Surprisingly, nobody at the O'Shaughnessy house waited up for us.  Apparently Ethan did fine without us.  Emily insists that he was not any trouble.  We may never know the truth.  Monday we made the trip home.  We hit up Shipley's on the way out of town.  They may be a bit overrated, but have you really ever had a bad donut?  I guess that pretty much brings you up to speed.  Yesterday I went to work.  Today I went to work.  Tomorrow I will go to work.  Friday, work.  This is what I call future blogging.  I am now covered for a few more days.  I haven't figured out how to take future pictures yet.  Saturday will be Ethan's first birthday party.  Technically he won't be a year old until Tuesday, but guess what we are doing on Tuesday--work.

"Every picture is of you when you were younger."  --Mitch Hedberg

For Emily:
I was wrong about the cousin thing.  You and I are first cousins.  You and Ethan are first cousins once removed.  Molly and Allie are second cousins to Ethan.  There is also way more to this cousin thing than you even want to know.  It requires some skill in mathematics and a detailed family tree.  There are such things as double cousins, half cousins, and double-half cousins, among others.  Thanks again for letting us stay with you.

For Sarah:
I'm not ignoring you.  You can call me tomorrow, or perhaps I may call you tonight.  It wasn't my fault.  There are worldly factors that are beyond my control.  If your name isn't Sarah, stop reading this.  You don't know what I'm talking about anyway.

Posted via email from Brian's posterous

1 comment:

  1. It's a good thing you have such a cute kid, or I'd have a harder time forgiving you. :) Hope he had a blowout first birthday bash!
