Here are a few more pictures of the kitchen. These have the sink and the backsplash tile in them. We are quite pleased with the way it all looks. If you would like decorating advice for your house, I will be happy to offer my services at a reasonable rate. The builder told us that someone asked the painters if the house was for sale. It is nice to know that someone else thinks our house is as great as we do. The last two pictures are the forms where they are going to pour the driveway. For all I know they have already poured the rest of it, but I just didn't have time to go out there today. Tomorrow isn't looking too good either. We are halfway through another crazy week, and I haven't accomplished near enough. I thought surely by 2008 we would have figured out a way to clone ourselves. If there were two of me, I could probably finish at least half of what I need to.
Hey you guys the house looks great!! I can't wait to see it in person. See you next weekend!