Here is a picture my uncle Danny took at Christmas. It's me holding up Baby Murray's favorite Christmas presents. I know they're the favorites because I have psychic ability. The Metallica onesie was a gift from my cousin Sarah. It is living proof that rock fans come in all sizes. Everybody knows kids just listen to whatever their parents listen to anyway. Thank goodness Tiffany and I both have great musical taste. My aunt Mary Nell found these tiny Chuck Taylors somewhere. Nobody knows where she finds stuff like this. Personally, I think they are a perfect match to the onesie. Tiffany had her second appointment last week. Everything looks normal at present time. We did get to listen to the baby's heart beat. It was 150 beats per minute, which sounded fast to me. Maybe he/she (I think it's a girl) is running laps in there. The next appointment is February 2. As for the the mother, Tiffany is starting to feel normal again. At least she seems better. She is nowhere near as tired as she has been, and I haven't heard her mention nausea in days. I think it's possible that she may live through this. In the meantime, we are getting on with our lives. I spent the afternoon researching a trip to Vegas. I've heard all of the reasons not to take a pregnant woman, but the bottom line is this: we want to go, and the doctor said it was fine. We just want to get out of town for a few days. If anyone wants to meet us out there, we are looking at the middle of February. I'm sorry that's short notice. Another weekend has come and gone. I will probably just watch the 24 premiere on TV tonight before settling in. I'm sure there are more productive things I could be doing, but then what will I do tomorrow?
Onesie -- got to start somewhere. Remember when you learned to count -- 1-2-3? You wore those, too, Dad. Problem is they don't stay that size very long. Long enough to get stains on them & on to next size. Aunt Vicki