Thursday, June 25, 2009

Remember the Time

Today started like any other day. Then Michael Jackson died. I know he's been accused of a lot of things, but I think the only thing he was really guilty of was being strange. The man was a musical genius, and he could dance like nobody's business. Normally I don't care so much about what happens to celebrities. In fact, I wouldn't mind a few of them dropping off the planet forever. For those of us that remember the Michael of the 80s with glittery white socks and black skin, today is a sad day. I'm sure many people felt the same way in '77 when Elvis died. Unfortunately in all of my musical excursions I never got to see him. At least we will always have his music and video legacy. Thriller is still one of the best selling albums of all time, and I think it holds up pretty well even today. I personally wore out at least two copies myself when I was younger. Today I have a digital copy on my iPod. Times have changed. Music has changed. I like to think that Michael stayed true to himself, even when the world turned on him. I know he is doing the moonwalk in heaven, and I am looking forward to meeting him one day.


  1. Are you sure M.J. is in heaven?

  2. Hey Brian,
    I agree with you.
