Time Keeps On Slippin'

The weather was wonderful today. I don't think it got much above 70 degrees. I am always in a better mood when it isn't burning up outside. Ethan and I spent quite a bit of time outside playing after dinner. He loves to be outside, no matter what the weather looks like. I know people always talk about how fast their kids grow up, but it has been amazing how quickly it actually happens. As of last week, he is fifteen months old and becoming more fun by the day. The downside is that he doesn't sit still for very long. Chasing him around has proven to be quite a workout. His vocabulary is improving by the day. New words include ball, puppy, and oval. That last one is apparently the product of learning shapes at daycare. Tonight when we were outside he correctly identified the zero on our mailbox as an oval. He loves to read books, and I have caught him a couple of times sitting on the floor reading out loud to himself. It is hilarious, and I don't think it will be long before he can correctly read some of these books. Many of them I have read so many times that I don't even need to look at them. If you want to know what Brown Bear sees, I'm your man. Last week I found myself singing Moo Baa La La La to the tune of Lady Gaga's Bad Romance. For all I know, that may be the actual words anyway. By the way, where does one get a dress made out of meat? Since his parent's are music fans, it is no surprise that Ethan loves is as well. Much to the chagrin of my mother, his favorites seem to be hard rock and heavy metal tunes. He has had plenty of exposure to all kinds of music; he just knows what he likes. I'm sure I have mentioned this before, but I think everyone who likes music is a rock fan. If you think you don't like rock music, then you don't really like music at all. What else do you need to know? In less than four weeks, we will be in New York City. We booked this trip several months ago, and I am so glad that it is almost here. I seriously need a vacation. Anybody that has any suggestions for cool things to do, let us know. Since this is our third time, most of the touristy stuff has been scratched off the list. Things have been crazy busy at work the last couple of weeks. Now that school is back in, all of the kids need their amphetamines. No wonder that we have a drug problem in this country. We hook them at a pretty young age. What happened to teachers with rulers and paddles? Lastly, the fall TV season has officially begun. I am trying to limit my television viewing, and having a small child in the house helps quite a bit. We did rent and breeze through the first season of Glee. Although completely ridiculous and unbelievable, I am totally addicted to that show. I guess it goes back to the music thing. The only other must see show on my list right now is Dexter. Last weeks premiere was amazing. We have also recorded Boardwalk Empire, which I hear is awesome. I guess that's it. I apologize now for the randomness of all of this. I was typing really fast. Hopefully most of it makes sense. There is only a limited amount of time to get this done. For shorter and somewhat more frequent info, follow me on Facebook. Speaking of which, if you are reading this via Facebook, there may be a delay in the actual time that it was posted. Sometimes it posts there within a few minutes, but a couple of times it hasn't shown up for about three days. Very little in this blog is time sensitive, so it probably doesn't make a difference to most of you. If you need to read this immediately, you can bookmark it on Blogger, or even subscribe to the RSS feed. That's it for now.

You might try HEB's meat market if you are serious about the meat dress. They may do special cuts. Vicki