Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat

I will begin this post with the answer to a question I was asked about the watermelon. The bottle of wine on the counter had nothing to do with the watermelon going bad. It is pure coincidence that it is in the picture. The watermelon was just a plain watermelon that we sat on the counter after we brought it home from the store. I'm not even sure that wine and watermelon would be good together, though I hear that you can put vodka in a watermelon.
This week has been fairly exciting I guess. Thursday we took Ethan for his four month check-up. He got a couple of shots, which he wasn't thrilled about. He didn't ever run any fever though, so I guess we got lucky there. They weighed him at 14 pounds, 7 ounces with a length of 26 inches. Why they call that 26 inches and not 2'2" is beyond me. I am learning lately that I only thought I knew how things worked. Here is another example. Sometime around the end of last week Tiffany started referring to Ethan as 4 months old. I pointed out that technically he wasn't that old until October 29, being that he was born on June 29. Of course I was told that in baby lingo a month counts as 4 weeks. Again I told her that by that rationale he would have been 4 months old on October 18. Wrong again. In case you didn't know this, the exception the this "week" (or weak) rule is that it takes 13 weeks to make 3 months. So depending on which version of mathematics you choose to follow, Ethan was 4 months old sometime in the last baker's dozen of days. I am going to tell people he is a third of a year old. That's probably wrong too. I think I'll be able to calculate his age until 2012. After that, we are dealing with the predicted end of the world and a leap year. All bets are off.
In case all of that didn't give you a headache and you need some more, I just found out that elephants are blue. Now I haven't ever seen a blue elephant, but they must exist. Ethan has one on his shirt in the picture above. He also has a stuffed blue elephant, and there is a blue elephant on his Jumparoo. I will try to do some more research and get back to you, but I think maybe the whole world has gone crazy.

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