Sunday, February 1, 2009


I have been trying for about 30 minutes to upload the pictures for this blog. I will try again later. Until then, you may have to use your imagination.

I'm not sure what you can tell from these pictures, but these are of the big freeze of 2009. I know it doesn't look like much, but around here it might as well be a blizzard. I will say that the temperature was around 20 degrees and there was ice covering most of the roads. Basically the whole town was shut down for about two days. Nobody went to school. Our bosses had no problem making us go to work though. I guess that's just how things are sometimes. What else do you need to know. Tiffany has been reading like a madwoman lately. What is she reading? She is reading the Harry Potter books. I know she's a little late on that bandwagon. She keeps telling me how good they are, and I keep reminding her that millions of people worldwide have the same opinion. At least they did five years ago. She started the series about a month ago, and she is already a good way into book six. If you think these books are just teaching people about witchcraft, I have news for you. No spell that I have ever cast on anyone has actually worked. Seriously, if you are one of those people, go read someone else's blog. Speaking of other things that people are into, today there is a football game on. I am recording it so I can catch the highlights. Tiffany is at work tonight, and I just had better things to do than sit in front of the TV and drink beer. Everyone knows you can drink beer in front of your computer. I spent the afternoon going over and e-filing our taxes. I also spent some more time playing with my new camera. I ordered another lens which should be here tomorrow, so I am looking forward to trying it out. All in all it has been a productive day. I still have a few things to get done before Tiffany gets home. We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. If you're lucky, I will tell you about it tomorrow night.

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