Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Family Portrait

This was taken on the fourth of July. Even with all of the fireworks outside, Ethan was sacked out. I guess he couldn't handle all of the excitement. Maybe he drank too much.


  1. This is a wonderful family picture! Love, Mom

  2. Cute, cute, cute!! Granny and Danny agree, too; we are all checking the blog together.

  3. First family picture!!! I get to meet him in just a couple of days! I don't know if it's the stress of the wedding, but I teared up when I saw the picture... I swear I'm not turning too awfully emotional on you guys, but I am so happy for you! You both look so proud! (And why the heck wouldn't you be?!)
    Love you guys!
    Aunt B (formerly known as Bear... ;) )

  4. Aunt C is ready to come home too, Bear!
    Im sure Ethan was all the fireworks you guys vneeded!! We will sure miss you all at TOOL next week- will tell Maynard hello for you!
