Sunday, July 5, 2009

It has been almost six days since baby Ethan was born. For anyone who cares, I was in the delivery room the whole time and I didn't pass out or anything. I am not generally freaked out by blood as long as it isn't mine. I haven't had much time for blogging, but I wanted to get a couple of pictures up. Everyone in the house is asleep right now, and maybe they will stay that way long enough for me to get this done. Thanks to my mom and technology, most of you have already seen some pictures. I tried to pick ones that nobody has seen yet. I think I already have nearly a hundred pictures, and at least ninety of them are good. Also, Tiffany's sister took some while we were in the delivery room. I haven't seen them, but I will share them when I get them if they are worth sharing. There are also a couple of pictures on my Facebook page, if you're into that sort of thing. So far Ethan seems to be a pretty happy baby. His mother might disagree with me, but we haven't had too many incidents that involve excessive crying or screaming. I have only been peed on twice. I know there's a trick there somewhere. Last night I put together a swing. This proved to be almost as much trouble as the Pack and Play that I built last week. Let me tell you something about these Graco people. If you have kids, you probably own some of this stuff. They may have great products, but their instruction manuals suck! I am usually pretty good at putting things together, but I admit that these things took longer than they should have. I'm thinking maybe the IKEA people need to help them out a little. We did not bother to go watch the fireworks last night, which turned out to be a smart move. They got cancelled for some reason. Luckily, there were tons of people all around us that had their own. I could see everything from our front yard. Living outside of the city limits is great! I feel like I am rambling. It has been a busy week, but we are already starting to figure some things out. Both Tiffany and the baby are doing well. The first appointment with the pediatrician is on Tuesday. I will keep everyone updated as often as I can.

1 comment:

  1. That is one really CUTE kid!
    I laughed about the Graco assembly comments-- just wait until you start putting stuff together for Christmas. Don't wait until. Christmas eve to assemble that first bicycle or hot wheels or whatever kids get these days. :-) We can remember a few Christmas assembly sessions that ended about 3 a.m.
    Betty & Colby
