Friday, July 17, 2009

field testing

Yesterday we got out to run a few errands. We ate lunch at Abuelo's. Ethan pretty much slept the whole time, which is amazing to me. That place is loud, and the table of cackling women next to us didn't help. He opened his eyes a few times, but I think he was just trying to get to the queso. It was his first trip to a restaurant, and things went extremely well. We went by Granny's house to visit for a few minutes. After getting him fed and changed, we headed back into town for his first trip to HEB. It took longer than your average shopping trip since everyone had to see the baby. Once again though, everything went smoothly. We got a whole basket full of groceries and were in there well over an hour. I'm sure all of these trips won't be as successful, but Ethan seems to be as easy going as his father. I think he's ready to be a world traveler. We'll see how he does in San Antonio next week.


  1. I love this picture! It looks like he is looking right at me and smiling at his J-Sue. Love, Mom

  2. You were at Abuelo's and didn't bring Ethan by to see his Great Aunt Nancy??? Oh well, I wasn't home anyway, but I am now, so call if you need a babysitter!

  3. Sure he was reaching for the queso... That kid wanted a margarita! See you next weekend! Can't wait! Aunt Callie
